Cell Phones as Calculators

An issue I’m struggling with is whether a science classroom should allow cell phones to be used a calculator.  It’s a pretty complex issue with lots of different aspects coming into play.  A brief list of pros/cons is:


  • smartphones are powerful computers and can be utilized
  • sometimes people forget to bring calculators to class (human error)
  • one less device to carry, charge, pay for


  • difficult if not impossible to discern between a student that is using a smartphone as a calculator as opposed to using their smartphone for messaging
  • removes the teachable moment of a student having a consequence for not coming to class prepared
  • possibility of cheating on a test or quiz
  • complex rules that will lead to abuse: smartphone ok for class but not test; ok to use if you forget your calculator but don’t make it a habit

I’d really like to hear your thoughts on this issue.  I would guess it’s going to become more and more important as BYOD and technology creep into classrooms.

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